Smugglers Smile Less

5:56 ص

Smugglers Smile Less

We were commissioned by Australian Customs, in 1986, to help create a programme to increase the number of seizures of illegal contraband and drugs being smuggled into AustraliaUntil that time, it had been assumed by law enforcement officers that liars increased their frequency of smiling when they were lying or under pressure. Our analysis of film of people who were intentionally told to lie showed the opposite - when the liars lied, they smiled less or not at all, regardless of culture. People who were innocent and telling the truth increased their smiling frequency when being honest. Because smiling is rooted in submission, the innocent people were attempting to appease their accusers while the professional liars were reducing their smiles and other body signals. It's the

The Magic of Smiles and Laughter
same as when a police car pulls up next to you at traffic lights -even though you haven't broken the law, the presence of the police is enough to make you feel guilty and start smiling. This highlights how fake smiling is controlled and should always be considered in the context of where it occurs.

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